Halfmoon Fish Story
Said Rajiv Masillamoni
"Mr. G." great. This image is Rajiv carry around to see comparison betta to equal him (Peter Goettner image.)
In 1982, the American breeder Peter Goettner fish breeding is a long way from the times of it. It's a green betta tail unit with caudal angle of almost 180 degrees and it is betta fan community is nicknamed "Mr. Great". Goettner he revealed Furniture Bought fish from Which to create "his greatness" (later known as "Mr. G") from a breeder other Americans, Parris Jones, who had renovated HIS strain fish from a breeder of other Americans, Chuck Hale, in 1977. Between 1983 and 1986, a group of French breeders gồm Guy Delaval fish imported from breeders reputation in the U.S. as Goettner and Jones. Delaval color and already a successful breeder seven years before he decided to jump into the bettas. He started with the usual varieties, improvement of the quality of the fishing line by selectively breeding the best fish in a special way: HIS sisters, and father and daughter in this series systems. Signs featured in Delaval line là many children have edges to Their fins, a trait Furniture today we still see much in Halfmoon. When Delaval quality line up, he REALIZED Furniture Summer Owns the fish special and hard work to perfect "idea" of HIS. With only twenty-four lakes and jars, hard Delaval and selective breeding, keeping only the best fish to Develop the line. By 1987, Delaval drilled his personal display in a solo exhibition in Lyon, France. Although the first Halfmoon (As They were later gọi) with the balance and incredible shape, They do not Attract the attention of the referee During the exhibition, mainly Because They have eyes familiar with Certain types of fish and do not want to change the perception of betta "ideal". Furniture At time, the winner is betta fish fin tail and dual fan, and from what Delaval look too Different People usually see. After the exhibition, the president of the German Association of tilapia They (Anabantoid Association of Germany) wrote a summary of the purpose of the exhibition praised the Participants and winners. On the winning fish Delaval, saying Furniture They only look "cute." Then in 1988, drilled his personal Delaval display at the exhibition in LeMann, drilled his France.Although fish again not even look at the back, but there is a fellow at nhất breeder was "Thunderstruck" by what has created Delaval: Rajiv Masillamoni. Masillamoni have a habit of always Carrying with him photos of "Mr. G," Which he Gave to everyone at any meeting he attended regarding bettas có, fans of its perfect shape, he questions where can buy similar quality fish. Needless to say, he had seen the fish khi có contest bat rays broad and balanced coal Delaval what you dare to dream, the image of "Mr. G" ngay slipped from his fingers. Immediately he Delaval query about the origin of fish and buy two of the three males Furniture 180 degree caudal Delaval Brought with him to the exhibition as well as in other males and two females along the line. Their spirited Masillamoni Assets in Switzerland, where he Began breeding them with a passion. He was shocked and horrified when i REALIZED HIS all seven males Furniture Furniture Delaval were not purchased from fertility.Although They are still nesting and courting females, but not Seem chúng capable of taking fish roll the eggs and care. The problem does not Seem trong shape, but Because They were too much inbreeding, this was confirmed khi consult the two other breeders Masillamoni am also buy fish from Delaval - Laurent Chenot and Marc Maurin - the Who Are Also Experiencing similar problems. Relying only on the females, crossed them with normal betta Masillamoni scene and the results were nowhere in the shape and symmetry of the original stock Delaval. When one of the two females Died unfortunately, Furniture It seems everyone was going to have to experiment ended. However, luck was with Masillamoni and his project, he was Introduced to a member of the IBC, who travel in Switzerland and to give him a double tail melano male spawn of Parris Jones. Masillamoni hybrid males with females còn Delaval and was rewarded by a fish far from the same Herd. The fish are numbered "R39" and is a green males with caudal fin of a perfect 180. R39 - ancestor of Halfmoon.adventure with new strains, hybrid females with males Masillamoni có all summer and then team up with the breeder Jean Luc Laurent Chenot and Corso, who bred it with họ females. Offspring from crosses These are much closer to real Halfmoon first, and no reason to assert Furniture Halfmoon today are all descendants of a single ancestor - R39. On 1991, 180 bettas Masillamoni Brought him to the 25th Annual Exhibition of the IBC held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is shocked to discover real, once again, the referee was totally drilled his personal attention to the interesting coal They have for the double tail fish and Fantail. However, contest These fish come from Europe not escape the attention of vài time top breeders of Furniture, Including Jeff Wilson, Peter Goettner, Parris Jones, Paul Hardy and John Benn, who had Masillamoni Bought some fish to take the future into Their Own lines . Also in this exhibition for the first time Jeff Wilson joked là new tail shape looks like a semicircle (Halfmoon) and Hence the name "Halfmoon" was born. Inspired by empathy hobby, join Masillamoni Working with Wilson and Laurent Chenot to try to Consolidate the characteristics of a solid line. All three breeders regularly Exchanging Their best fish, a fish often Do Different lines crossed with three in the U.S., France and Switzerland. By breeding the best fish in all three areas, They have the ability to create Halfmoon Quickly and efficiently, carefully documenting They Both photographs and notes in each new generation born to have a better quality of previous generations. In 1992, Wilson decided Masillamoni and Halfmoon Their best fish exhibiting at the IBC show in Alabama, together silently convention Furniture They lost if failure in the competition, They will continue to breed this fish. Although They take away a lot of Halfmoon contest but only one of họ best fish - a green runner in shape and style Finnage category. Class category and Best of Show Award (Best of Show) is given to the common Fantail fish. breeding group pass through the frustration from fans added the other breeders. Very fast, a big enough fan to a new club Called the International Betta splendens Club was born with the purpose of Maintaining and Developing the Halfmoon form. While crossing and interchange on an international scale, Masillamoni met Marc Maurin, who asked to buy a breeding pair of Halfmoon Began with drilled his fishing line in France. Furniture At time, only 5 males for breeding quality Halfmoon Masillamoni Furniture but he chose his favorite nhất Among them and given to Maurin. Two weeks later, khi Masillamoni prepared to participate in a solo exhibition in the United States, other scenes from France, male Maurin sent him back, saying Furniture it is not capable of re-production. Although Masillamoni not think this quality Furniture fish he proposed, but he finally decided to bring it to the U.S. along with the other entries, Including four Halfmoon along with its superior Herd. In transit to the exhibition, Masillamoni being Detained by a flight attendant, who informed him là drilled his bag contains 25 entries of fish too large to fit into the luggage rack above the seats and must be Brought to the luggage compartment. He responded politely, informing her the bag contained Furniture fish on Their Way to Valuable Important security exhibition in the U.S. and he did not want to take my eyes off it. When the attendant protests, Masillamoni (emphatically) Furniture Tells her he will not fly if his personality is not set in the passenger compartment. With the concessions of the Parties, a final agreement is reached - the personal flight attendant to bring first class eg where they finished in the wider luggage compartment. halfway through the flight, decided Masillamoni check to see how the fish but ask to see khi có drilled his first class, he was after Furniture Told They had been Transferred to the cargo hold luggage. Fearing the worst thing happened, he frantically checked his bag and found it Leaking. All 25 bags had burst, and moving fish flickering weakly in the empty bags. Panicked, crying Masillamoni, this caused the attention of the Chief Steward, who turned out to be a fish lover and took control of the situation. He offers plastic bags and asked the attendant to bring a bottle of water. Because bottled water in the fridge from the attendant to warm it with a hair dryer until it reaches room temperature and with Masillamoni he carefully drop the bettas are struggling to survive in the new water bag. Happily, all fish survived. As an assistant referee, Masillamoni very busy with the exhibition Furniture nên know, once again, did not cause, drilled his attention Halfmoon roundtailed and DT coal. Concealed disappointment, he the focused on the task and not notice it anymore. However, khi voted most beautiful fish in each category for the Best of Show award, he found Furniture in the first place is a unique green fish - a Halfmoon! When a closer look, he was trả REALIZED là Marc Maurin fish, a fish Which is Considered ineligible to contest. Somehow, even the referees mistakenly Halfmoon am also Assess the better fish topped genres Turquoise / Green and is now Competing for Best of Show. When Candidates for the Best of turn excluded, Because Masillamoni was nervous nail biting. The green Halfmoon still standing. The referee of the Candidates gradually until only a blue fish còn Furniture Halfmoon and Peter Goettner 160 degree caudal spread. The referee Goettner profile clearly favor of fish but the end result is still controversial. Finally, They Invited referee's most experienced - Jim Williams - and his consultation. Because this is the end for the Arbitration of individual prize categories Goettner Blue Fish Masillamoni felt the issue was decided.However, Williams observed by Both the flashlight for about 10 minutes, then transfer to a magnifying glass. Finally, he announced to the crowd waiting for "This Is It." "The blue one is missing scales." Best of males Award (Best of Show Male) in IBC was given the green Halfmoon from Switzerland. When this happens, a magazine reporter FAMA am also attended and Halfmoon Discovered the unusual beauty. He featured on the cover of Most Beautiful magazine and wrote a story about the origin Halfmoon. Along with the Emergence of more and more breeders in Europe and the U.S. Both love and cheer for những fish. Peter Goettner, Sieg Illig, Leo Buss, Bonnie McKinley and others Began as 180 degree caudal fish breeding. The Combination of quality breeders and individual help and popular strains Halfmoon Quickly flooded throughout the United States. Always passionate about the native fish, Thai breeders have Bought Halfmoon am also from breeders in Europe and America in the late 1990s and many breeders are able and to create fish have good enough quality to "rub shoulders with the world." The method of breeding and feeding Themselves, They have the ability to Improve and Maintain its shape, and by 2003, They had Entirely possible breeding quality better than in Europe and the U.S.. Today, the overwhelming Halfmoon location of the breeders who try to create the most beautiful fish When combined with a passion for science, it is not seen in most other hobbies. This is really a strain Furniture redefined the benchmarks show betta. grateful I make new friends in Switzerland, Rajiv Masillamoni, for his help with this article. Both Rajiv and Markus Gutzeit họ were willing to donate time and give me pictures khi requested, Including phone calls from Switzerland and sent a series of letters, photographs and notes. I not only found in Rajiv was extremely generous but am also very open. Originally Although I intended to ask about internal issues and shed light on the history of the Halfmoon, I was rewarded with a very interesting story and intense with a full range of Factors Important: passion, interest, and obstacles EXTREMELY ironic twist. Because the whole story is not in the Furniture project I am working on, I post them here. Furniture I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. (Source Diendancacanh)
Halfmoon Breeding
Author: Victoria Parnell
Halfmoon characteristics not only formed by a gene from a variety of genes Furniture combine to create a wide 180 degree caudal. How to breed halfmoon betta is best derived from the halfmoons quality. Fingerlings nên buy from professional breeders, Both inside and outside the country. Should pay more money to buy more fish you want to buy cheaper fish but not quality but it will cost you a lot of time for breeding. Without the quality Halfmoon fits pocket or color, shape you desire, then you can start building your halfmoons by a pair superdelta. You will be surprised to see a few Halfmoon trong the offspring if originating from a pair superdelta Halfmoon. If possible, you ask, image or brood fish swarm siblings. If the strain is much Halfmoon create quality, you can fully begin superdelta crossed the line under it. You buy the best pair possible and is prepared to work hard. Avoid creating the part with Disabilities như humpback or serious, self-biting, and other types of defects. These characteristics can be inherited and you risking strains bred over many generations họ possible destruction as soon as you think you've reached the goal. For example, a strain of fin perfect immune system is not perfect Considered to be a strain. Choose males best you can find. Halfmoon male Aquabid lot being auctioned online, than there are many options for you. Look for fish with straight edges and smooth fins, dorsal to, no defects on the bed straight body and fins - fin attractive Because it is not good signs of fish not flaring. If possible, please buy fish in age from 3 to 6 months. We will be full of reproductive hormones and ease. kiểm tra fish roof. It must stand out in the Shoal, females over males is Important for so many của fishing line. Look for fish with fins straight edge, dorsal to, beautiful color and healthy. Branched rays nên at nhất 3 times. 4 times better, but most definitely not be less than 3. Make sure it comes from a halfmoons Furniture quality, then you will see results from Furniture offspring born. The Halfmoon use leading female breeders often Do tailed branched from 8 to 10 times, Because They Tend to Produce more offspring Halfmoon standards. Make sure it comes from a halfmoons Furniture quality to make sure it will generate halmoon fish. There are many bettas are marketed under the label "Halfmoon" but actually halfmoons superdelta delta or fish origin. Take a look at the female characteristics similar to khi you select males. A 180 degree angle spread Furniture female tails and no straight edges is not the Halfmoon. A Halfmoon the excellent (S. Khumhom) Please chọn fish based on predefined criteria (vd term IBC standards). Hold firmly standards. Do not just focus on each tail. Even the best fighters today have many features need improvement như the size of the dorsal, anal and Purity of color. Focusing on the tail, but am also do not ignore the other fin, otherwise there will be a day where your fish room will be full of fish caudal a perfect 180 degrees, but the dorsal and anal fins are pale and the small. Furniture nên nhớ even a pair of perfect halfmoon caudal 180 degrees not 100% created Halfmoon children, but you usually Halfmoon and superdelta thu được Both delta and fish, with a Halfmoon Certain percentage in each pack depending on the quality of the fish varieties. Some halfmoons can create quality Halfmoon 50-60% per pack, but the rate is thường 10-30% depending on water quality, nutrition and care regime. (Source Diendancacanh)
Author: Victoria Parnell
Halfmoon characteristics not only formed by a gene from a variety of genes Furniture combine to create a wide 180 degree caudal. How to breed halfmoon betta is best derived from the halfmoons quality. Fingerlings nên buy from professional breeders, Both inside and outside the country. Should pay more money to buy more fish you want to buy cheaper fish but not quality but it will cost you a lot of time for breeding. Without the quality Halfmoon fits pocket or color, shape you desire, then you can start building your halfmoons by a pair superdelta. You will be surprised to see a few Halfmoon trong the offspring if originating from a pair superdelta Halfmoon. If possible, you ask, image or brood fish swarm siblings. If the strain is much Halfmoon create quality, you can fully begin superdelta crossed the line under it. You buy the best pair possible and is prepared to work hard. Avoid creating the part with Disabilities như humpback or serious, self-biting, and other types of defects. These characteristics can be inherited and you risking strains bred over many generations họ possible destruction as soon as you think you've reached the goal. For example, a strain of fin perfect immune system is not perfect Considered to be a strain. Choose males best you can find. Halfmoon male Aquabid lot being auctioned online, than there are many options for you. Look for fish with straight edges and smooth fins, dorsal to, no defects on the bed straight body and fins - fin attractive Because it is not good signs of fish not flaring. If possible, please buy fish in age from 3 to 6 months. We will be full of reproductive hormones and ease. kiểm tra fish roof. It must stand out in the Shoal, females over males is Important for so many của fishing line. Look for fish with fins straight edge, dorsal to, beautiful color and healthy. Branched rays nên at nhất 3 times. 4 times better, but most definitely not be less than 3. Make sure it comes from a halfmoons Furniture quality, then you will see results from Furniture offspring born. The Halfmoon use leading female breeders often Do tailed branched from 8 to 10 times, Because They Tend to Produce more offspring Halfmoon standards. Make sure it comes from a halfmoons Furniture quality to make sure it will generate halmoon fish. There are many bettas are marketed under the label "Halfmoon" but actually halfmoons superdelta delta or fish origin. Take a look at the female characteristics similar to khi you select males. A 180 degree angle spread Furniture female tails and no straight edges is not the Halfmoon. A Halfmoon the excellent (S. Khumhom) Please chọn fish based on predefined criteria (vd term IBC standards). Hold firmly standards. Do not just focus on each tail. Even the best fighters today have many features need improvement như the size of the dorsal, anal and Purity of color. Focusing on the tail, but am also do not ignore the other fin, otherwise there will be a day where your fish room will be full of fish caudal a perfect 180 degrees, but the dorsal and anal fins are pale and the small. Furniture nên nhớ even a pair of perfect halfmoon caudal 180 degrees not 100% created Halfmoon children, but you usually Halfmoon and superdelta thu được Both delta and fish, with a Halfmoon Certain percentage in each pack depending on the quality of the fish varieties. Some halfmoons can create quality Halfmoon 50-60% per pack, but the rate is thường 10-30% depending on water quality, nutrition and care regime. (Source Diendancacanh)
Breeding quality Halfmoon
Author Chris Yew - source www.bettysplendens.com
single tail Halfmoon blue steel roof. Everybody dream to create the future net Halfmoon quality, but the success rate is how much? Well maybe instead of Halfmoon, most superdelta People only gain or only delta. So what is the Furniture guidelines or standards we must adhere to if we want quality pure bred Halfmoon. 1. Choose good fish This is easier said done Coal Because of good fish are very expensive. I advise you to choose the best pair of drilled his financial ability and try to buy the best pair. If you intend to breed them seriously, nên waste two to three months and then REALIZED là offspring are not like that you desire. Buy a pair of fish from a professional breeder, who knows the "blood" of fish. If you want to Increase the Proportion of Individuals buy good pairs derived from the same individual Herd. Avoid buying from a male and a female from somewhere else. The reason is Because if you buy a pair from the same Herd, this pair will be the F1 generation and Their offspring will be the F2 generation. In most cases, only by selective breeding (ie, Selecting the best pair) from the F1 generation, you can create large Proportion of quality fish in the F2 generation. 2. The tail is the most Important point là the two outer edges of the tail must be straight. If Both edges are bent, do not choose to fish. A child must have quality halfmoon caudal 180 degrees from the edge of the tail to the other side. So, if the edges are not straight, the individual is not Considered in Halfmoon. Most coal shorter tail Halfmoon am also the delta and superdelta. 3. Rays This is a very Important point to be Considered. The more branched rays, the larger symmetrical fins. It helps sustain good fins and fin bettas will khi to and even better it is not flaring. With quality Halfmoon true, we may have the primary beam, secondary beams, rays and even tertiary level radiation. Thus, a total of 16 branches from a primary rays to Arise! This is what I heard from Peter Choo, yellow betta có có you have to supply quad-ray! 4. Water These Factors Affect the growth and shape of fins. Poor water quality will be shrink rays or even rot. Need regular water changes and if tap water because chlorine can disinfection.Chlor "burning" rays and Affect its appearance. Note: by TK Lee, branched caudal rays as sau: primary beam (ie the beam), secondary rays, rays eight levels, UV radiation levels ... over the quarter-end, the number of rays is 8. But in this article, Chris Yew to slightly Different arrangements: the main beam, primary beam, secondary rays, ultraviolet rays and tertiary level ... than the radiation levels, the number of rays is 16. (Source Diendancacanh)
Introduction to the structure of the line fin Halfmoon
Author TK Lee ( Malaysian HM group) - source www.bettas4all.nl
* The tail and rear corner
fish are albino dragon and straight edges. X and Y are the edges on the bottom edge. The angle between the edges X and Y is the edge angle or angle-tailed bat.
* Tail of HM (Halfmoon) have two Important characteristics:
The Long and straight edges.
Bat angle of 180 degrees.
With HM you can draw a straight line along XY Both edges .This can only be done if the edge is straight and makes an angle of 180 degrees .
* Caudal fin , dorsal and anal fins are balance and harmony
You must be able and to draw a curve starting from a point on the dorsal fin, slowly walked around the tail fin, and then Proceed to point B on the anal fin to the tail without any violations. Fish như balance.
* The ratio of tail length and body length
When two HM assessment above , if all the features are the same , then you
have bigger fin or greater rate is Considered as more beautiful .Thus , one more
beautiful BlueMoon BlueMoon 2 .
* Fins
( Left ) Observed edges AC , BD 's anal curtains open flaring up as the fish .A wide anal greater nhập AB CD .( Right ) The DT ( doubletail ) has a very narrow anal fin .
( left ) edge of the anal fin base B parallel to the A ( according Goettner
) .( Right ) B bottom edge of the anal fin to the caudal lateral dual delivery
at point C.A
* dorsal
(Left) outside the edge of the dorsal fin forward as at 1. The outer edge of the dorsal fin to contact as at 2. Raysplitting fit. (Right) The dorsal spreading. Normally, the dorsal edge is located at X, about two Thirds the length of the anal fin. With larger dorsal fin, must move to next position Y.
* The features of HM is:
3. The Long and straight edges.
4. Bat angle of 180 degrees. tail must have semicircular or D-shaped caudal fin rays * - "The wife breeding" of HMFrom a Classified into 4 fin branched rays helps to get better support. Where is the tail of HM? was the most difficult features: long and straight edges perfect 1 The tail must be straight. When it communicates with border supply 2-tailed it to create a sharp edge 3. The quality of the edges depends on two Factors: 1. It is not straight? 2. It is not dragon? summary, edges are "sharp" or not? * Two types of branched rays (left) branched fin rays straight, perfect and strong. On the other hand, when fish flaring, the last point of the rays must be made in an arc. (Right) When raysplitting, we slightly outward and edges as well. The curved to straight fish tail flaring once again. Many breeders prefer this style fin. Remarks (VNRD) The Victoria Parnell, at least three Factors Halfmoon make genetic characteristics: 1) All rays must be straight and not curved or Crooked. 2) The branched rays to at least three times. 3) a 180 tail to bat. Seems as bat rays and angles are heavily influenced by Environmental Factors. Even betta fully inherited genetic traits Necessary, we can still do not show the potential of the country Because of poor quality or poor feeding Techniques. would be reasonable to Assume Furniture Genetic Factors Mentioned above, including dominant and recessive genes. Raysplitting gene is a dominant gene, while the gene for straight rays and 180 degree caudal gene is recessive. (Source Diendancacanh)
Nurturing Halfmoon
Probably Halfmoon fish need care the most. Remember the long tail betta fish Furniture như Halfmoon is domesticated and lẽ thể not survive in the wild. This Means Furniture space and need more care Halfmoon bettas short of coal. disease are 90% the same reason: poor water quality. The secret lies in Halfmoon need space as large as possible and change the water Constantly. Unfortunately, the best way Furniture 100% water changes every day Furniture is the way most of us do not have time to do! If you just change the water part, some bacteria có Remain in the fish bowl. They can cause, disease in fish.If you can not change the water every day, change the water every 3 days Also, depending on the bottle size của fish.Ideally, every day nên suck the dirt from the bottom (and then pour water into the bottle). Use chlorinated water disinfection (or have to wreak). It is Necessary to remove all chlorine-containing compounds, Furniture Substances do not exist naturally in the environment. Also check and adjust the pH to Ensure it reaches the level needed for fish. There are many drugs Furniture Increase or Decrease the pH sold in the market. Aquatic plants are a good choice. As in the wild, trees cải phosphate in water consumption and water quality if you just replace a part. Although phosphate is not toxic to fish, but it stimulates algae growth, I recommend Java fern Growing to consume phosphate in lake water. Java fern is often Do accompanied with driftwood. Please remove trees from driftwood before being planted in the lake Because driftwood often Do fish have sharp edges torn fins. Plants am also consume the nitrate. Please allocate enough space to fish swimming beside your plants. Keep trees trimmed as Necessary to Ensure the space is balanced. Let's grow the same crops in the new tank to feed the fish you own. If you buy fish from other breeders, ask them about the conditions Furniture foster the establishment and attempted to recreate the conditions Furniture as Closely as possible. This can be very Important! The red line and red (non-red) are Particularly sensitive to any changes of the chemical composition of water. Appropriate food for fish. Different foods and dry foods Feeding gồm more vitamins. Personally I prefer the frozen fish food (dry and fresh food but do not gồm như fresh food pathogens). However, you eat less fish but often Do nên (enough fish to eat in five minutes). Otherwise, excess food will decay and high ammonia concentration. fish flaring episode for each day inspired by glass or palm it with other fish. But do not let Furniture fish it regularly as it will be high. If you are close to the fish bowl nên covered (ie Prevent other bottle-to-bottle in a cardboard or anything else) or to a lot of bottle to fish together regularly over the island between the islands Different not peck at each other and the bottle. Note that finfish loud and long, than if it spread up tight and too long it can be torn fins, than it's best to limit flaring họ time only about 1 hour per day. Furniture fact many work, however, of great beauty Halfmoon flaring khi có deserve this service. (Source Diendancacanh)
Probably Halfmoon fish need care the most. Remember the long tail betta fish Furniture như Halfmoon is domesticated and lẽ thể not survive in the wild. This Means Furniture space and need more care Halfmoon bettas short of coal. disease are 90% the same reason: poor water quality. The secret lies in Halfmoon need space as large as possible and change the water Constantly. Unfortunately, the best way Furniture 100% water changes every day Furniture is the way most of us do not have time to do! If you just change the water part, some bacteria có Remain in the fish bowl. They can cause, disease in fish.If you can not change the water every day, change the water every 3 days Also, depending on the bottle size của fish.Ideally, every day nên suck the dirt from the bottom (and then pour water into the bottle). Use chlorinated water disinfection (or have to wreak). It is Necessary to remove all chlorine-containing compounds, Furniture Substances do not exist naturally in the environment. Also check and adjust the pH to Ensure it reaches the level needed for fish. There are many drugs Furniture Increase or Decrease the pH sold in the market. Aquatic plants are a good choice. As in the wild, trees cải phosphate in water consumption and water quality if you just replace a part. Although phosphate is not toxic to fish, but it stimulates algae growth, I recommend Java fern Growing to consume phosphate in lake water. Java fern is often Do accompanied with driftwood. Please remove trees from driftwood before being planted in the lake Because driftwood often Do fish have sharp edges torn fins. Plants am also consume the nitrate. Please allocate enough space to fish swimming beside your plants. Keep trees trimmed as Necessary to Ensure the space is balanced. Let's grow the same crops in the new tank to feed the fish you own. If you buy fish from other breeders, ask them about the conditions Furniture foster the establishment and attempted to recreate the conditions Furniture as Closely as possible. This can be very Important! The red line and red (non-red) are Particularly sensitive to any changes of the chemical composition of water. Appropriate food for fish. Different foods and dry foods Feeding gồm more vitamins. Personally I prefer the frozen fish food (dry and fresh food but do not gồm như fresh food pathogens). However, you eat less fish but often Do nên (enough fish to eat in five minutes). Otherwise, excess food will decay and high ammonia concentration. fish flaring episode for each day inspired by glass or palm it with other fish. But do not let Furniture fish it regularly as it will be high. If you are close to the fish bowl nên covered (ie Prevent other bottle-to-bottle in a cardboard or anything else) or to a lot of bottle to fish together regularly over the island between the islands Different not peck at each other and the bottle. Note that finfish loud and long, than if it spread up tight and too long it can be torn fins, than it's best to limit flaring họ time only about 1 hour per day. Furniture fact many work, however, of great beauty Halfmoon flaring khi có deserve this service. (Source Diendancacanh)
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