1. Hybridization technique Bettas
- Gen marble dominant grass Seems only a part (Furniture with the claim it is the dominant or recessive genes in part) Because fish bred with monochrome marble to create the Majority of the fish and a few monochrome marbles. If the parents have the gene marble marble fry rate will be higher. Gen marbled effect on the surface of the fish in no way foreseeable, ie any combinations of colors and patterns all. However, breeders have to go through vài generations (and selection) before forming ideas and then faced with the challenge to create new strains.
- Breeding fish together often Do tạo monochrome marble background dark, monochromatic light background, butterfly, and marble. Monochrome butterfly fish originating from marble line will have the same genetic characteristics to mono fishing line in marble; When the butterflies are bred to mono mono line from the origin, the fish will bring a dominant gene butterfly section.
- Spawns the dark monochromatic or monochromatic light originating from the line will create marble marble, monochrome fish and butterfly fish. If the marble gene was Introduced into the mono fishing line would be extremely difficult to go back to mono fishing line. Juveniles will always stick little more marbling or strange colors. Marble outcross line with other lines will have a ripple effect, "marble" in the color of the line.
2. Jumping genes Phenomenon
- One of the basic Principles of the newly Discovered recently in the genetics industry is the Existence of "transposable elements", Also Called "jumping genes". In fact, the Existence of genes Furniture we have the ability to move from one location to another location on the chromosome. Sometimes They insert into a position and Influence Furniture gene activity in position. This makes the cell (and its clones) are not capable of Completing a specific task-related genes. Because jumping genes only temporarily located in a specific location on the chromosome, compared the effects of gene loss is only temporary.
- If jumping genes exist and it inserts itself into a gene responsible for creating melanin, it will stop the production of melanin cells có (and Their replication) can not Produce Dark pigment. This tạo vd spots or blurry spots white spots. Also the opposite can happen! If the cell does not have the ability to create melanin Because of the presence of jumping genes, and the gene is removed, the cells (and its clones) have the ability to create black and black pigment reappears. Sometimes dark spots on light background of marbled white dots suddenly appeared in the middle (looks like the eyes). This can be explained if you think Easily là human cells can not Produce original black pigment Because of the presence of jumping genes (creating light background) then moved jumping genes make vẻ black (black dots created), and in some cells, the jumping genes and pigmentation limited to the white appearance of dark spots inside.
- The theory of "jumping genes" that can be used to explain why some marbled pattern and not a "marble". If "jumping genes" is not inserted (for dark background) or removed (for the light) in any cell During the growth of fish motifs "marble" will not
1. Sponge
2. Being the dry state
3. Mr. Rosin
4. Strong pot
5. Algae
To nest with firmer grip, People can drop into a small sponge, a plastic cup cut, dried leaves ... I love my eagle offers many options for males by releasing a sponge in this corner and a piece is bang opposite corner.
Selection of broodstock
When Selecting broodstock pairs, we need to consider the following points:
- You want the offspring look like? You breed based on color, fins or Both or just for fun only? Once the breeder has a specific purpose, They need to seek the parents have the Necessary characteristics. Fingerlings do not really have all that you desired feature of this but I see you as the assembling interesting Furniture Furniture features created to incorporate future together.
- Age of fish: there are some notes Furniture Betta fish spawning in 3 months old, but I usually wait for them to reach at nhất 4 months of age for breeding.
Prior to spawning, you must Furniture Ensure your fish in the best condition. To prepare, feed your fish need 1-2 weeks with high-quality food and fresh food (preferably red insect). When you shift ke They trở for each day will more familiar with each other and this stimulates your typical nine cue cases.
How to detect fish are ready to spawn?
Females: good health, flexibility, abdominal eat the eggs, the body vẻ vertical stripes.
Note : The most commonly females nên no proper care !
Males : healthy , flexible , flaring brightly colored , foam release .
For individual Paired
Both chọn After the pair were in love and in good condition, we drop the fish into the lake lay press.
I usually fish the lake at its front to get used to explore the environment and shelter. Two days after I separated females (plastic bottles with cut ends) and the male fish. Both will start to puff Brings, mutual flaring. The vẻ vertical stripes on the female body is a sign it is ready to deliver Furniture products (remember the light-bodied fish will not have this stripe). Maintaining the status males have 1-2 days to build the nest time. Females with eggs elicits more
Both chọn After the pair were in love and in good condition, we drop the fish into the lake lay press.
I usually fish the lake at its front to get used to explore the environment and shelter. Two days after I separated females (plastic bottles with cut ends) and the male fish. Both will start to puff Brings, mutual flaring. The vẻ vertical stripes on the female body is a sign it is ready to deliver Furniture products (remember the light-bodied fish will not have this stripe). Maintaining the status males have 1-2 days to build the nest time. Females with eggs elicits more
Betta pair playing with each other .
I only eat fish When the fish are still isolated . Females always eat when
i see males usually stop eating in the nest .
I usually fish the lights out before about 5-10 minutes. I always fish for Their
desire They pair together IMMEDIATELY after the fish. If the individual does not
respond and nên flee picked it up and wait a few days before trying again.
After the fish were released, Both will be circled around the lake. If the fish are biting few pieces then it is very normal. After a while, the female will nest males observed at a safe distance. When the male is ready, it will be located just below the nest and the female rarely pursued. It Tries to Attract females to drive the foam a little more aggressive action by flaring.
When the females are ready to, it will advance to the nest with a good head down. We started up the other side. Soon Began males taking female roll. Sometimes it takes time before males do so, especially for the inexperienced
After the fish were released, Both will be circled around the lake. If the fish are biting few pieces then it is very normal. After a while, the female will nest males observed at a safe distance. When the male is ready, it will be located just below the nest and the female rarely pursued. It Tries to Attract females to drive the foam a little more aggressive action by flaring.
When the females are ready to, it will advance to the nest with a good head down. We started up the other side. Soon Began males taking female roll. Sometimes it takes time before males do so, especially for the inexperienced
As Both books taken together, the egg is forced out from the belly of the whale.
Immediately the male ejaculates to fertilize eggs. Eggs Dropped Both males and
females swim and suck up eggs and nest. Each spawning takes place from 1 ½ hours
to 3 hours.
When males feel it was enough to catch the fish and the fish will escape into the street crowd. It is time for the Furniture fish are taken care of and breeding for the next time. Males tổ care alone. This time I used a few drops of the same Liquifry no.1 to grow grass in the lake. From now on, the light nên be 24/24 until the fry can swim and males were caught out.
When you carefully monitor the reproductive process, you rarely see a wounded fish. In most cases, leave them to the fish in good condition. If females were seriously Injured, take good care regime will help it recover after a few weeks
When males feel it was enough to catch the fish and the fish will escape into the street crowd. It is time for the Furniture fish are taken care of and breeding for the next time. Males tổ care alone. This time I used a few drops of the same Liquifry no.1 to grow grass in the lake. From now on, the light nên be 24/24 until the fry can swim and males were caught out.
When you carefully monitor the reproductive process, you rarely see a wounded fish. In most cases, leave them to the fish in good condition. If females were seriously Injured, take good care regime will help it recover after a few weeks
Eggs on the bubble nest.
Feeding the fish
At a temperature of 28-30
degrees C, the fertilized egg in the nest hatch will start from 25-30 hours.
After hatching, the presence of fish Easily can be found by observing the nest
below. A handful of small tails protrude from the bubble nest Because fish still
swim fins yolk and still not fully Developed
One day old fry hanging from the bubble nest.
Whenever a child does fall from the nest, the male fish gently suck it into your mouth and release back to the nest. This Seems to be a never-ending job ...
The fry will begin to swim.
Whenever a child does fall from the nest, the male fish gently suck it into your mouth and release back to the nest. This Seems to be a never-ending job ...
The fry will begin to swim.
2 and a half week old fish .
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