Saturday, April 13, 2013

foster care

Aquarium: Ideal for Both HM and PK is the pool size 12 x 17 x 20 cm, Ensuring aesthetic, just to make life comfortable for long-term fish. RSS: It is best to only eat worms. This is a healthy food, help cá Develop a Comprehensive, easy to find and cheap. If you know how, will store up to 4 days. way to wash and store worms: When buying worms for, for the basin.For clean water, stirring by hand for worms disintegrate. Hand stir to form strong vortex dirty things earthworm peeling sticky mess. Then let stand for 1 minute, then drain off the water. Repeat this one more time and then refilling bowl Nearly full. For sparkling air 24/24. The next time you change the water, do not stir anymore, but just picked up worms, dead worms discard class, for new water and worms in the back drop. Each day, before each feeding earthworms we must change the water only to Ensure food hygiene, one of the Important Factors in raising Betta scene. feeding mode: 2 times a day, morning and evening, for every 1 of worms eating pea green. Note nên eat more fish will be difficult to digest, easy to experience bloating or intestinal disease. Also not to eat too little, Suffer and fish will not grow Normally, cá will not release all of its beauty. Betta fish water: tap water if the water is to be exposed outdoors at nhất 24 hours before Use water change regime: there nên no rigid notions of individual water cycle changes. This cycle changes in initial conditions tap water, fish health and a number of external Factors như where to fish near where the light is strong or weak, have more dust on it or not ... It is Important Furniture pondering on each fish, than watch for any pool or turbid water fall color of coal the other clock or not, we will change the priority of this lake before. If no problems, on average once a week instead of water is. To always healthy and Abundant fish: Normally, the tank is shielded by the block to individual plates do not see her face, to Prevent them from vulnerability to attack while on the lake Due to Their aggressive instincts. But if They do not see each other for too long is not good. Each day, before feeding, nên allow 5 minutes for them to see each other and puff contiguous segments. This helps cá Consolidate Their aggressive instincts and help the re-tail is not too long, Increase the risk of sticking tails. This Is Particularly Important for the Halfmoon, fish-tailed beauty fanned tension in the 1800s. Note When Selecting breeding Betta scene: for PKHM, tensile strength of 1800 long tail. But for the long tail, the HM-tailed tension depends on the age of the fish and Their Habitat. Thus HM water fish are clean, make sure to fish.And Bow Harmful bacteria when we choose to buy HM to feed, we nên select juvenile fish (about 3 or 4 months old), Because of the lower Abdomen of the most beautiful fish usually lasts from May 3rd to May 9th is maximum, ie One can only own a nice pay HM within half a year on average. This is what makes many of you find HM Plakat to fish, a species with longer tails coal tension HM long tail. Particularly, I think, have Attracted Both HM and PKHM Their Own definition, is the beauty of a slender, flexible full of charm, a versatile inside is strong vitality.

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